Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

When we worship, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we can use instruments and symbolic movements to express the invisible or spiritual world by means of a visible representation to bring heavenly realities down to the earthly realm.

 This is a visual, dramatic, and expressive style of worship, and when combined with Holy Spirit led movements, our faith is released. The Holy Spirit is stirring our hearts to get up and get moving so He can use us in the supernatural arena. We are instructed in the Bible to move by faith and not by sight.

Moving in symbolic worship is a faith walk. As we are obedient to the Lord's instruction, combining faith with action, we will usher in God's divine purposes.

You might think not all actions made during praise and worship are prophetic or symbolic. Only the Lord knows the impact of our actions and how He might use them for future purposes.

The same instrument you are using to praise the Lord while here on earth could be affecting a spiritual purpose in the heavenly realm - to render judgment to our enemies!

As we combine faith with action in this physical realm, we bridge the gap between the old covenant prophecies and the end time fulfillment of those prophecies. Symbolic praise, worship and intercession is being launched in an unprecedented way by the Holy Spirit in preparation for the return of Yeshua the Bridegroom coming for His bride.

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry
Fort Mill, South Caorlina
(904) 335-1820

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