Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

Flags are used in celebration and as a symbol of the Lord's love and victory for His people. Exodus 17:15

As we raise our flags, we are symbolically exalting the name of the Lord just as Moses did. Song of Songs 2:4

Flags are a beacon of encouragement to those following behind and a message to those ahead, of Who is coming forward to occupy and take possession of the land. To lift the flags of Jesus Christ is to say we are lifting up the Word of God. This will cause great joy to the Lord and is a safe platform from which to wage our war. The enemy has no defense against the Word. He flees in terror at the Word.

As we apply the Word of God to any area where the enemy has built a stronghold, a flag is raised, seen or unseen on earth, but visible in the heavens. The Word, which is our standard, becomes a sword in the spirit, and will strike terror in the enemy.

There is a positive effect on our physical body when we wave a flag; our physical body rises. As we are proclaiming that Jesus Christ is the standard or flag over our lives, we are presenting an outward display of our inward convictions. Our spirit man rises, our soul nature, mind, will and emotions, come into agreement with the Spirit of God. We become united, spirit, soul, and body. This is our proper position for victory. This is one of the first visible signs that we are becoming an army.


Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry
Fort Mill, South Caorlina
(904) 335-1820

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