Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

We are willing vessels presenting our bodies as living offerings unto the Lord, which is our reasonable service.

Worship is meant to be active, a demonstration of thanksgiving and praise in faith.

The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He won't be changing the way He desires us to worship Him. This is not man's idea, but God's instruction. In Israel today at celebrations, there is a dancing demonstration of praise much like the Old and New Testament worshippers. This emotional demonstration of praise and worship might be a new concept for some of us, but has been a normal act of worship for the Jewish people for over two thousand years.

As we dance giving thanks, praise and intercession, each using the same movement with or without instruments, we see how powerful scripture is.

"Again I say, to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry
Fort Mill, South Caorlina
(904) 335-1820

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