Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

A streamer gives the idea of flashes or streams of flame. Just as the Holy Spirit manifesting upon the New Testament believers with tongues of fire, empowering them to do the work of the gospel. Acts 2:2-4

We are His earthly messengers streaming forth this divine fire into our earthly setting. As we twirl and whirl, it is an illustration of the Holy Spirit coming into our midst, distributing tongues of fire and quickening us to speak the Word of God in boldness.

Movement with streamers bring data from Strategic Command, the Throne Room, into our sphere to change our atmosphere. It is a symbolic declaration of what the Lord is doing in our midst. We are symbolically declaring the Lord's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry
Fort Mill, South Caorlina
(904) 335-1820

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