Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

No charge.

There is no regard for age or dance experience. Members should be of good health and have a willing spirit.

As dancing ministers, we must remember that Worship is a lifestyle. Since dance is a visual art we must be careful to live what people see, as we dance about and maintain the temple that God has given us to use for His glory.

Therefore, dancers must possess and maintain:

• A personal, committed relationship with the Holy Trinity.
• An attitude of submission and humility to Christ and the leadership of the dance ministry and Church.
• Lifestyle of holiness and purity in the way you act and dress.
• It is expected that each dancer be attentive during ministry practices and focused on the Spirit. Ministering first to the Lord and then to those around them.
• It is important that you follow through with praying regularly for each team member and attend scheduled practices.
• You must be committed, considerate, and responsible to everyone involved within the ministry. You are a vital part of the team.
• The dance ministry members do not "perform," but are in the service to Worship. We lead others into Worship.
• Have a burden for intercession, our dance will bring healing and deliverance.

- Our attire and movements should be representative of the God we serve and testify to His greatness. Clothes must be modest and appropriate, and must not detract from the objective of drawing the people into Worship of our God.
- To demonstrate the majesty, power, and wonder of the Scripture through movement.
- Have a teachable spirit to build dance vocabulary with the new techniques.
- Prepare your body by exercising. Flexibility and stamina can only be achieved through practice on a regular basis.
- Patience because practice is a process.

The Purpose Of Dance In The Body Of Christ

- To praise the Lord in the dance - Psalms 149:3
- To love God with all our spirit, soul, and body - Mark 12:30
- To make His praise glorious - Exodus 15:20
- To rejoice and usher in God's presence - Psalm 150:4
- To express joy and victory - 2 Samuel 6:14
- To willingly present our bodies as living offerings to the Lord through dance - Romans 12:1

lillies location

Spontaneous Dance

Spontaneous Dance occurs when you actively demonstrate in the natural by courageously responding to the Holy Spirit’s appeal, daring to release through outward expression the inward emotion of your heart.

Once you know the dance moves the Holy Spirit will arrange and rearrange the steps that He chooses which is called Spontaneous Dance. When this is done in spirit and truth, it is beautifully saturated with the evidence of God’s presence.


The word orchestrate beautifully parallels our English word choreograph. The word chore means “dance” plus graph, means to “write down.” Much like the one who orchestrates, the choreographer writes down, in advance, the directions for the designed, planned steps of a dance, with the purpose of documenting what is good, so, it won’t be lost or forgotten. She then teaches this information to the dancers with the goal of their dance being presented in unity, order, and beauty that it might achieve the maximum desired effect.

With these definitions, we can beautifully parallel the written Scriptures to the choreography of God for our dance of life. He has written down in advance His directions for the planned steps of a man, with the purpose of documenting what is good, so that it will not be lost or forgotten. His will is that – this plan taught to the dancers so their movements may be presented before God in unity, order, and beauty.

The psalmist in Psalm 119:133 writes, “Establish my steps and direct them by means of Your word…” As Christians, the Word of God is our standard, direction, orchestration, and choreography for life’s steps.

There is a measure of controversy concerning the subject of choreographed dance, some people feel that if a dance is not created as a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment expression, it is not led of the Spirit and should not be included in what is proper or acceptable as dance in the church.

Just because something is conceived and written down in advance does not disqualify it from being spontaneously birthed from the heart of God. If that were true, we would have to throw out the majority of all the sermons ever preached and songs ever written or sung. If you stop and think about it, this kind of thinking would disqualify even the validity of the Word of God. The Scriptures have been written down in advance for our benefit.

The calling of the choreographer in the house of the Lord is a prophetic gift that should be highly esteemed and valued as God has given these persons the ability to clearly communicate and visually manifest His glory in the demonstration of spirit and power.

Choreographed dance is scriptural. There are many specific Jewish dances with choreographed steps that have been handed down and taught and retaught over the ages.

God is a God of order. In mastering any skill, it is God’s desire that we study and polish that talent, developing it to its maximum effect to the glory, honor, and power of God. In fact, this is the responsibility of anyone who is called and appointed to lead God’s people in the area of praise and worship.

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry

Assemble for a Choreographed Dance to the song “HOW WE WORSHIP.”

Our clothing is white to represent lilies. Instruments are green or by preference; no instrument required.


The Bible declares we are “kings and priests to our God” (Rev. 5:10). Just like Aaron’s ministry as a high priest required a specific attire, so does ours. The priest’s clothing allowed them to be proclaimed clean and worthy to stand in the holy place and minister to the Lord. As for us dancers – the green sash speaks of a certain necessity to stand in the sacred place of the spirit realm and function in the Court of Heaven.

Dancing Lilies Worship Ministry
Fort Mill, South Caorlina
(904) 335-1820

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